it, ice cream, and watched the tale of desperoux.. she loved her night!
ame, and uncle cas all came - she asked for "real" italian mini
pizza, salad, and kid "wine" (italian soda) in goblets.......
with all the fixings...
My sweet little Ali just turned 6 this past Sunday. It is such a happy and sad thing to watch my babies grow up. I don't think there is a larger conflicting emotion that I can think of. My youngest baby, Ame, who is now 4 months old, I was holding durring the breakfast for Ali, and found myself remembering when I held Ali when she was that small, Ame reminds me so much of Ali, the color of her hair, eyes, and skin as a baby and her bright disposistion for the most part. But I also found myself thinking it wont be very long before Ame is sitting right where Ali is and I will be thinking man, that went by so fast. With each of my babies I was teased by some and told that I held them too much, but I wouldn't trade for a secound the time I got to hold them... it doesn't last nearly long enough. My oldest is now 10 and thinking of the boys that she is dying to talk to, and the friends she would rather be spending her time with... I will never regret for a secound each cuddle I gave her as a little one, niether will I regret begin called "the sargent" by many of people with how strict I am with my kids, the difference between the way they treat thier parents, thier siblings, and the ones that they love is so incredably different than I see in the children that they go to school with, and that has not changed no matter what school it is, children love to see what they can get away with, and thank heavens with mine they dont like to push to hard... but I do always remember that the rules must be inforced, but most importantly the love must be... if we want the kids to respect us, WE must repect them and give them every oppertunity to grow and love, children learn by exsample after all.
So fun to hear from you! Your life has taken some serious turns since we last saw one another. You look very happy which is absolutely wonderful!! Are you on facebook? I am assuming you found my blog through Amy's which is also where you could find my facebook profile. Since I don't know your new last name you'll need to find me. :)